The following are infographics, graphics documents, and presentation deck samples that were made with Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Project: Rosewood Hotel's In-Room Amenities
Purpose: A single documents meant to convey the spirit of the Rosewood Hotel London's design aesthetic while providing information about the room's amenities.
Project: Master of Science in Integrated Digital Media Thesis
Purpose: Created to visually illustrate how I organized "risky" digital environments, by intensity of users' perceived risk.
Project: Podcast Explainer
Purpose: A graphic showing where popular podcasts intersect in their missions to entertain, inform, or create art.
Project: Master of Science in Integrated Digital Media Thesis
Purpose: Created in response the Comfort, Stretch and Panic model (Ryan and Markova, 2006), to illustrated how users may respond to perceived risky digital environments.
Project: REMI
Purpose: Compiles user research into three charts, showing the ideal haptic and audio responses to proximity cues on the REMI wearable device.
Project: NYU Tandon Future Labs
Purpose: Background images for NYU Tandons Data Future Labs deck slides.